职务: | 普通会员 | 邮箱: | whmad@hotmail.com |
年份: | 1996年入会 | 电话: | 86-755-2511 0951 |
公司: | 艺术方位 | 网址: | www.hmwdesign.com |
职位: | 创始人 | 地址: | 深圳广东省深圳市南山区恩平街创意园南区 |
中国资深平面设计师,HMW设计机构创办人。先后担任 CIDA、ICOGRADA、HKGAAB、SGDA、SGDPA 等专业组织资深成员。王宏明先生1957年出生于江南水乡无锡,祖籍苏州。自幼传承书香,勤习书画,师从名家,其墨迹自中学时饮誉当地,赴日交流。他70年代末进入印刷行业,
作为中国早期成长的平面设计师,王宏明先生经历了中国广告业的兴盛与港深印刷设计业的发展,他以国际设计的视野作为图形交流的平台,以其传统的艺术修养和专业的设计经验,曾于1992年起连续十年成为国家一级刊物《中国广告》杂志特邀封面设计师,并以广泛的研究报导及论文发表等形式对中国广告从业与设计教育的发展产生了极其深远的影响。从走访香港各大专业设计院校到参与深圳大学与上海大学的各项设计交流和合作,从1997年主编《设计家》系列教育从书出版,法国《Graphe》、《200 Creators in Graphic Design (1997-2000)》,香港《大公报》、《中国平面设计》《IS Bookdesign》等综合媒体介绍,充分体现出他在业界的贡献和影响。
与此同时,王宏明先生的作品先后参加第18届 Brno 国际设计双年展、97日本大板DDD艺术廊和法国 Grenoble Echirolles 中国平面设计月展、98法国世界杯足球、联合国世界人权宣言50周年、08法国 Sports Caracterres、20世纪华人设计百杰等多项国际设计及国际海报巡回展。亦曾获得包括美国 Premier Print Awards、克罗地亚ZGRAF8、莫斯科 Golden Bee 国际视觉传达设计奖、96-98 HKGDA香港设计展亚太地区铜奖、优秀奖、02-03深圳市长杯工业设计银奖等多项提名奖、96-05 GDC平面设计在中国奖、89-95-97全国广告作品展金、银、铜等数拾个国际设计奖项,同时也是97首届华人平面设计大赛的策划和组织成员之一及多项设计发明专利获得者。
As a senior visual graphic designer, Mr. Wang Hongming was a senior member of the CIDA, ICOGRADA, SGDA, HKGAA, SGDPA, etc. In 1980s, he was graduated from Wuxi Light Industry University in Jiangsu. Later, he moved to Shenzhen and for a long time focused on visual arts such as printing research and graphic design exchanges. In 1990s, he founded Shenzhen H.M. Wang Design Co., Ltd. to carry out market development.
His works were exhibited in the Czech Brno 18th International Biennale of Graphic Design, Chinese Award Winning Works Design Month of 97 France Grenoble Echirolles, China Graphic Design Exhibition in Japan Osaka 3D Arts Gallery, France 98 World Cup Football International Poster Competition Exhibition Tour, the International Poster Exhibition Tour of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, "Caracteres Sportifs" for an exhibition tour in France to welcome the Olympics Games, the 20th Century 100 Chinese famous graphic designers exhibition, the joint exhibition of works in Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Taiwan, etc. Mr. Wang Hongming ever won about 50 awards and many design invention patents such as US 2016 "67th the Premier Print Awards", Croatia ZGRAF8, Moscow Golden Bee International Graphics and Visual Communication Design Award, a bronze award in Hong Kong Asia Pacific Region, a silver award in Shenzhen "Mayor's Cup" industrial design, a golden, silver and bronze award in Graphic Design in China, China Advertising Works Exhibition, etc. In 1997, Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House published Designer - Graphic Design Series, which were introduced in about 20 international and domestic books and journals, such as Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, French Graphe, 200 Creators in Graphic Design (1997-2000), Chinese Graphic Design in Hong Kong, etc. For ten consecutive years from 1992, Mr. Wang Hongming was a special expert for China Advertising, an authoritative magazine in China, and he designed the front cover for over 40 issues and published about 20 articles and feature articles, and made great contributions to design education in China.
作为中国早期成长的平面设计师,王宏明先生经历了中国广告业的兴盛与港深印刷设计业的发展,他以国际设计的视野作为图形交流的平台,以其传统的艺术修养和专业的设计经验,曾于1992年起连续十年成为国家一级刊物《中国广告》杂志特邀封面设计师,并以广泛的研究报导及论文发表等形式对中国广告从业与设计教育的发展产生了极其深远的影响。从走访香港各大专业设计院校到参与深圳大学与上海大学的各项设计交流和合作,从1997年主编《设计家》系列教育从书出版,法国《Graphe》、《200 Creators in Graphic Design (1997-2000)》,香港《大公报》、《中国平面设计》《IS Bookdesign》等综合媒体介绍,充分体现出他在业界的贡献和影响。
与此同时,王宏明先生的作品先后参加第18届 Brno 国际设计双年展、97日本大板DDD艺术廊和法国 Grenoble Echirolles 中国平面设计月展、98法国世界杯足球、联合国世界人权宣言50周年、08法国 Sports Caracterres、20世纪华人设计百杰等多项国际设计及国际海报巡回展。亦曾获得包括美国 Premier Print Awards、克罗地亚ZGRAF8、莫斯科 Golden Bee 国际视觉传达设计奖、96-98 HKGDA香港设计展亚太地区铜奖、优秀奖、02-03深圳市长杯工业设计银奖等多项提名奖、96-05 GDC平面设计在中国奖、89-95-97全国广告作品展金、银、铜等数拾个国际设计奖项,同时也是97首届华人平面设计大赛的策划和组织成员之一及多项设计发明专利获得者。
As a senior visual graphic designer, Mr. Wang Hongming was a senior member of the CIDA, ICOGRADA, SGDA, HKGAA, SGDPA, etc. In 1980s, he was graduated from Wuxi Light Industry University in Jiangsu. Later, he moved to Shenzhen and for a long time focused on visual arts such as printing research and graphic design exchanges. In 1990s, he founded Shenzhen H.M. Wang Design Co., Ltd. to carry out market development.
His works were exhibited in the Czech Brno 18th International Biennale of Graphic Design, Chinese Award Winning Works Design Month of 97 France Grenoble Echirolles, China Graphic Design Exhibition in Japan Osaka 3D Arts Gallery, France 98 World Cup Football International Poster Competition Exhibition Tour, the International Poster Exhibition Tour of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, "Caracteres Sportifs" for an exhibition tour in France to welcome the Olympics Games, the 20th Century 100 Chinese famous graphic designers exhibition, the joint exhibition of works in Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Taiwan, etc. Mr. Wang Hongming ever won about 50 awards and many design invention patents such as US 2016 "67th the Premier Print Awards", Croatia ZGRAF8, Moscow Golden Bee International Graphics and Visual Communication Design Award, a bronze award in Hong Kong Asia Pacific Region, a silver award in Shenzhen "Mayor's Cup" industrial design, a golden, silver and bronze award in Graphic Design in China, China Advertising Works Exhibition, etc. In 1997, Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House published Designer - Graphic Design Series, which were introduced in about 20 international and domestic books and journals, such as Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, French Graphe, 200 Creators in Graphic Design (1997-2000), Chinese Graphic Design in Hong Kong, etc. For ten consecutive years from 1992, Mr. Wang Hongming was a special expert for China Advertising, an authoritative magazine in China, and he designed the front cover for over 40 issues and published about 20 articles and feature articles, and made great contributions to design education in China.

足球——20世纪的文化 Football, Twentieth Century Culture
作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming
类别:海报 - Poster
1998-08 / 4047 Hits

华人平面设计大赛形象 Chinese graphic design competition visual image
作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming
类别:品牌形象 - Brand Image
1996-10 / 4306 Hits