Works   >   王宏明   >   足球——20世纪的文化 Football, Twentieth Century Culture
足球——20世纪的文化 Football, Twentieth Century Culture 作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming 类别:海报-Poster 1998-08 / 2708 Hits

1997 was the start for China Graphic Design to go to the world. In France 98 FIFA World Cup International Poster Competition to collect 100 theme posters in the world, many Chinese main designers were attracted to participate, and China design also displayed its strength in the world. In the four Chinese posters selected, the work of Mr. HM. Wang reflected the inside connotation of traditional cultures and innovative ideas, and attracted great attentions from professionals in the world.
个人名片 Business Card

作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming

类别:品牌形象 - Brand Image

2016-06 / 2793 Hits

口 Kiss Shenzhen

作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming

类别:海报 - Poster

2001-09 / 2585 Hits

足球——20世纪的文化 Football, Twentieth Century Culture

作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming

类别:海报 - Poster

1998-08 / 2709 Hits

华人平面设计大赛形象 Chinese graphic design competition visual image

作者:王宏明 Wang Hongming

类别:品牌形象 - Brand Image

1996-10 / 2906 Hits