禁止砍伐,保护动物 No deforesting and Protect animals
作者:赵超 Zhao Chao
2018-01 / 2114 Hits
It is shocking to accidently seeing a slice of cutted tree stumps. For the sake of its own interests, human beings have made a lot of felling of the trees of nature, causing harm to all kinds of animals living in the forest and destroying their homes on which they live. The wood grain forms the shapes of all kinds of animals and the work combines the wood grain with the English title of writing. It is reminding people no deforesting, to protect animals and to protect their homes.
It is shocking to accidently seeing a slice of cutted tree stumps. For the sake of its own interests, human beings have made a lot of felling of the trees of nature, causing harm to all kinds of animals living in the forest and destroying their homes on which they live. The wood grain forms the shapes of all kinds of animals and the work combines the wood grain with the English title of writing. It is reminding people no deforesting, to protect animals and to protect their homes.

立春 立夏 立秋 立冬 Start of Spring & Beginning of Summer & Beginning of Autumn & Beginning of Winter
作者:赵超 Zhao Chao
类别:海报 - Poster
2017-01 / 2219 Hits