Works   >   赵超   >   遇囍 Meet happiness
遇囍 Meet happiness 作者:赵超 Zhao Chao 类别:海报-Poster 2019-01 / 1971 Hits

The Chinese character "Twenty" and the number "20" repeated to form the abstract Chinese character"囍" , which is blended into the lines of the lotus-like and lotus leaf . The work symbolizes since the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region, it has prospered and encountered happy events constantly.
晾出你的作品 Hang out your works

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2022-01 / 2153 Hits


作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2021-01 / 2117 Hits

雾霾侵蚀 Haze eroding

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2020-01 / 2000 Hits

遇囍 Meet happiness

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2019-01 / 1972 Hits

和仕纸制品 Heshi Paper Products

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2018-01 / 2108 Hits

禁止砍伐,保护动物 No deforesting and Protect animals

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2018-01 / 2114 Hits

真. 善. 美 Truth & Kindness & Beauty

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2017-01 / 2023 Hits

立春 立夏 立秋 立冬 Start of Spring & Beginning of Summer & Beginning of Autumn & Beginning of Winter

作者:赵超 Zhao Chao

类别:海报 - Poster

2017-01 / 2218 Hits